Advanced Anatomy

In-depth review of ocular anatomy, awarded 1 AOA/CPC continuing education credit.

After completing this section the student should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the bones that make up the orbit
  • Define the size of the orbit and eyeball
  • List the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the eye
  • Identify the innervations and function of the extrinsic eye muscles
  • Describe the eyelids structures and their functions
  • Identify the lacrimal system parts and their functions
  • Identify the drainage system and its parts
  • Explain common problems with the parts of the eye anatomy that are listed above
  • Identify the anatomy of the globe
  • Describe the anterior chamber and aqueous flow
  • Describe the anatomy of the lens
  • Describe the anatomy of the uvea including the iris, cilliary body, and choroid
  • Identify the vitreous composition
  • Label the retinal layers and list their main functions
  • Describe some common problems affecting the different parts of the globe including: Lids and Lashes, Conjunctiva and Sclera, Cornea, Anterior Segment, Iris, Choroid, Ciliary Body, Macula, and Optic Nerve
  • Identify nerve innervations to the parts of the globe

This course should take approximately one hour to complete. Successful completion of the post test is necessary to earn AOA/CPC credit. The link for the post-test is included in the course material. This course is not sponsored by the AOA/CPC; only reviewed for compliance with AOA/CPC standards and criteria and awarded continuing education credit accordingly.

This course was developed by our partners at Eye-Courses.
